Changing the view onto the test data within the test log viewer

The test log viewer contains the graphical representation of the test data. Hence, it provides an outline on the expected test results and of the actual test results. See "Checking the test execution" how to open the test log viewer.

If the view within the test log viewer is not to your liking, just use the corresponding button within the toolbar to change the view.
The following table contains the most important possibilities.



configuring the settings by means of a dialog, such as changing texts/colors for title and axis

(info) This dialog makes it also possible to hide certain test data and display them again.
For example, if you want to hide the actual data of the return value mysin in the example above, open the dialog, go to tab Traces, select mysin? under Select Trace, uncheck Visible and click Apply.

add or remove an annotation for one of the traces

zoom the view appropriately

save the snapshot as PNG file

load a reference file, e.g. from a previous test execution
Result: The test log viewer contains additional test data from the specified reference file. The test data can be identified by the add-on (Reference), e.g. in(Reference) identifies the reference data for the input in.